
Getting started#

Migrations are simple small classes, which consist of basically two methods and a static description variable. The two methods are named update() and downgrade() and are called respecively when running the migration or rolling it back.

The most basic migration does therefore look something like this:


class Migration_2015_10_21_12_13 extends Migration {

     * Describe what the migration does
    public static $description = "Doesn't change anything, just shows messages.";

     * Is executed when the migration is run
    public function update() {
        $this->message("Ran the update() function!");

     * Is executed when the migration is rolled back
    public function downgrade() {
        $this->message("Ran the downgrade() function!");

Simple Examples#

You might do lot's of different things in those migrations, but I'll just name some examples:

Change a field or template setting#


class Migration_2015_10_21_12_15 extends Migration {

    public static $description = "Change the blog-post template to use it's new alternative template file";

    public function update() {
        $t = $this->templates->get('blog-post');
        $t->altFilename = 'blog-post-new.php';

    public function downgrade() {
        $t = $this->templates->get('blog-post');
        $t->altFilename = 'blog-post.php';

Add some new pages to the installation#


class Migration_2015_10_21_12_16 extends Migration {

    public static $description = "Change the blog-post template to use it's new alternative template file";

    public function update() {
        $this->pages->add('basic-page', $this->pages->get('/'), 'about', array(
            'title' => 'About me',
            'summary' => 'A short summary about my life?',
            'body' => "…"

    public function downgrade() {
        $about = $this->pages->get('template=basic-page, parent=1, name=about');
        if(!$about instanceof Page) return;

Add a field to a tempate, which wasn't needed before#


class Migration_2015_10_21_12_16 extends Migration {

    public static $description = "Change the blog-post template to use it's new alternative template file";

    public function update() {
        $this->insertIntoTemplate('home', 'google_analytics', 'title');

        $this->editInTemplateContext('home', 'google_analytics', function($f){
            $f->columnWidth = 50;

        $this->pages->get('/')->setAndSave('google_analytics', 'UA-XXXXX-XX');

    public function downgrade() {
        $t = $this->templates->get('home');

Specialized Migration Types#

Specialized migration types are much simpler to use, because their rollback functionality is much simpler and often tightly coupled to the data needed to run the migration in the first place. Therefore it's enough to supply the information about what to create/add and the deletion will just work as well.

Field Migration#

Does create a field and remove it on rollback.


class Migration_2015_10_21_12_15 extends FieldMigration {
    public static $description = "Create a new integer field to store the max. number of participants.";

     * Supply the name of the field
    protected function getFieldName(){ return 'num_max_participants'; }

     * Supply the type of the field
    protected function getFieldType(){ return 'FieldtypeInteger'; }

     * Set the field up (it's saved automatically)
    protected function fieldSetup(Field $f){
        // Base Settings
        $f->label = 'Max. Participants';
        $f->description = 'The maximum number of participants for this event.';
        $f->collapsed = Inputfield::collapsedNever;

        // Fieldtype Settings
        $f->zeroNotEmpty = 1;

        // Inputfield Settings
        $f->min = 0;
        $f->inputType = 'number';

        // Add this field after the date field in the event template
        $this->insertIntoTemplate('event', $f->name, 'date');

Template Migration#

Does create a template and remove it on rollback.


class Migration_2015_10_21_12_17 extends TemplateMigration {
    public static $description = "Create a new blog-post template";

     * Supply the name of the template
    protected function getTemplateName(){ return 'blog-post'; }

     * Set the field up (it's saved automatically)
    protected function templateSetup(Template $t){
        $t->label = 'Blog-Post';

        // Global fields are already added
        $this->insertIntoTemplate($t, 'title', 'body');
        $this->insertIntoTemplate($t, 'body', 'date_published');
        $this->insertIntoTemplate($t, 'date_published', 'author');

        // Allow specific urlSegments

Module Migration#

This is the simplest migration type. Add the module into the vcs (>3.0 can also use composer) and install it like this. Will only deinstalled the module on rollback.

Do not remove the module from the vcs before running the migration

Trying to remove a module without it's files will fail. At best just let ProcessWire remove the files in a additional migration, which could also download it on rollback.


class Migration_2015_10_21_12_16 extends ModuleMigration {
    public static $description = "Install LazyCron";
    protected function getModuleName(){ return 'LazyCron'; }

Access Migration (>0.3.1)#

This migration is only meant to change access rules for templates like shown below. List templates with changes, prepend a + or - if the useRoles setting does need to change. For those templates then list all roles which have changes (can be none) and supply which types of access should be added or removed (again using + and -).


class Migration_2015_10_21_12_18 extends AccessMigration {
  public static $description = "Update template access rules";

  protected function getAccessChanges() {
    return [
      '-blogpost' => [], // Remove useRoles from blogpost template
      '+basic-page' => [ // Add useRoles to basic-page
        'subscriber' => ['+view'],
        'editor' => ['+view', '+edit'],
        'admin' => ['+view', '+edit', '+create'] // +create does require +edit
      'tag' => [
        'subscriber' => ['-edit'],
        'admin' => ['+full'] // view, edit, create and add